Ieatm - again.
Another payment received today. Thank you.
The site was quite unstable today. Sometimes its there, and sometimes it just gone. I was a bit scared, afraid that the site is gone. Gone with my $1 with it, LoL. But, as I stated, i am prepared to face any consequences. And prepared to lose my $1.
So far, 3 payments are already received. Profit so far is 24cents. Suppose its 30 cents but LibertyReserve took out 2cents as their fee per transaction. That's quite big, in my oppinion. Need another 76cents to break even and that will be for the next 9.5 or 10 days. Just hope this program will still be around by that time.
So, if you think about joining, just click at the banner below. Thanks for reading.
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