
AmigoClicks. Ever heard of this PTC? I had joined this site for quite sometimes and did some clickings, but I was a bit skeptical with this site. Lots of PTCs only pays you for the first 3 or 5 times and later on, they just didnt pay. But after I did some research i found out that this PTC is actually paying. Its not like any other PTCs. Even though the functions are the same, you earn by clicking their links, or read their emails or surf their traffic exchange, but this one has a twist. You'll earn more if you upgrade your account.

There are a few types of upgrades here:

  • Amigo adpack and ClickExchange $0.20/100 views
  • 1 Year Upgrade for PTP $0.15 CPM and ClickExchange $0.10/100 views
  • Weekly upgrade for ClickExchange $0.40/100 views
  • Weekly upgrade for ClickExchange $1.00/100 views
and the one im using now is: Weekly upgrade for ClickExchange $0.20/100 views

For example, the upgrade that im using now is the cheapest of all. It only costs me $3.50. What you'll get is you'll get to earn $0.20 per 100 clicks at the site's TX (traffic exchange). And the limit that you can click per day is 300. Meaning, each day you'll earn at least $0.60 just from clicking the TX. That means, by clicking on the TX per week, your earning is already at $4.20. That's already an extra of $0.70 earned. And that does not count for the other clicks that you can click, such as Click Links and Read their Ads. And they even sent emails on daily basis. You can earn as low as half cents ($0.005) per email you read. You can earn an extra $0.10 to $0.15 just by clicking these links , per day!

Payout is only at $3, PayPal or Alertpay, and I reached my minimum only after 4 days of clicking. Waited for 1 and half day to get paid. That's pretty fast!

So, if you're thinking of adding another program into your list, why not try AmigoClicks. Besides, it has been paying since last year.

Posted on 11:38 PM by duitpoket and filed under , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

HI! New updates from me.

Hi. I know, it has been a while since I updated my blog. I was soooo busy with my life offline, and been busy playing games at facebook, that I almost neglected my projects on making money online. Really, facebook's games are addictive but after much of rethinking, it all are just a waste of time. I am thinking of going back into PTCs, PTPs and PTR actively again.

So, my projects did went well with my affiliate pages did went well. In fact, they did splendidly. But I've stopped them all because I havent find any good offers to advertise them yet. My main goal is to get paid what I've earned so far.

Firecrackeremail and 1Centmail are still paying. Thanks to Susan Curry (aka SusanC) for being an honest and the most reliable W/M. My newest payment, which I received today, after requested yesterday are as below:

Thanks Susan, you're so very awesome.
My upgrade at 1centmail is gonna be expired this coming January, and I am planning to reupgrade.
Posted on 11:24 PM by duitpoket and filed under , , , , , , | 0 Comments »