My Affiliate Pages...
I already have 3 (well, actually I bought 4, but another one is still hanging, after I purchased it a couple of days ago).
1 is my Mail4Egold's page:
Posted on 9:04 AM by duitpoket and filed under
affiliate page,
1 is my Mail4Egold's page:
- Pays $0.20 for every 1000 unique impressions received. So far, I already earned $5.06 from this affiliate itself. And I have another 13 months to go..hehe.. This one is offered, buy 12 months and get 1 extra month free and since I won last week's click contest (i got at #6), which the prize was 1 month affiliate page, I got my page extended for another month. So, thats why I have 14 months altogether.
- Oh yes, it cost me $20 for 12+1 months.
- Pays $0.25 for every 1000 unique impressions. Paid $12 for this one and will expire in the next 6 months. Earned so far: $3.16. Was bought on March 21st. Happy with the result so far...
- Pays $0.20 / 1000 unique impressions. Cost was $13 for 6 months. Bought this one two days ago, and already earned $1.00. Quite nice...
4th, I bought from DeepCLinks...and still no news up till now. Bought it the same day with Vale, but I'll contact the WM if still nothing after 1 week.
I might buy another one next one, if I have the money and just hope that all these programs will still be around when these pages expires. But I really have a good feeling about these.
I have already drained all my money in my Alertpay and PayPal by buying all these Affiliate pages and all the upgrades. Just hope that I made a good decision.
I might buy another one next one, if I have the money and just hope that all these programs will still be around when these pages expires. But I really have a good feeling about these.
I have already drained all my money in my Alertpay and PayPal by buying all these Affiliate pages and all the upgrades. Just hope that I made a good decision.
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