While I Was Away...

I got paid by several sites when I was still on holiday. The first one was from Paid-To-Promote.net, a PTP site which pays you to promote their link in your webpage. Minimum payout is only $0.10 and payment is only through PayPal. I put the link in my Blog and promote it in A/surf programs.

This second screenshot is the payment from a PTC site, RoudyCash.com. The minimum payout was $2 for the first payout, and the next payout is at $5. I have some referals who are clicking under me, and they were the ones who helped me in achieving $2 quite fast.

Roudy Cash usually have 4-6 links to click, and they have this team system, where you can earn with your team.

And this one, is the one that I've been waiting for for the last 2 months. Xray-cash's reputation is bad lately, for the late payment and some of the members claim that they didnt get paid, even though the money has been deducted from their account.

Iris (Xray's W/Master) claimed that she had been busy with her offline job which resulted on abandoning of the site. But now she is back, and going to refocus on the site. Hope she will keep on her words because Xray-cash is definitely an easy earner, expecially for a heavy ptp promoter like me.

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