Billy (Admin of Instant2U) is back after 1/2 day of rest.

Seems he cannot keep being at rest after reading the forum. Members are being a bit frenzy about his absence and not getting paid instantly. He decided to cut short his rest and back to work. Now, that is what I call, a really responsible admin.

And on another note, I just got paid by admin of RareMails, Anyyan. This time, I am paid a total of $4.54. Total received from site is $9.41.

Raremails is a free site, more of a Paid To Read site. My income mainly comes from promoting my Affiliate page, which I bought with a cost of $6. I didnt promote this page actively lately. If I did, I might end up with much higher income.
Posted on 10:55 AM by duitpoket and filed under | 0 Comments »